Gooey Brownies
I think I’ve done it! I’ve perfected my brownies! I meant to post this a couple of weeks ago but I was struck down with the Winter Vomiting Bug….and let me tell ya, it was not pretty! I made the brownies the night before, I had a slight fever when I was making them but put it down to tiredness from a long day at work, next morning it was full blown….. lived in the bathroom for a couple of days and fever’s of 38.5 never want to experience that again…. euuuch! I won’t go in to details…you don’t want to know.
Anyway, after all of that, I never took photo’s, never even tasted them until a week later when Ryan pulled a couple out of the fridge that he’d sweetly kept for me. They were good! Gooey, rich and heavenly!
A lot of “brownies” I’ve had in cafe’s and shops were NOT brownies, they were dry slices of hard chocolate cake, brownies are meant to be dense, truffle like and ridiculously moreish! I started making brownies as a teenager and I never got the attraction-of course I was making them all wrong..

The trick is to underbake them, not so much that when you put a skewer in, it comes out with raw batter on it, you want it firm on the outside, and almost baked inside, you’ll see a little cake and a little moistness on your knife/skewer/tester. I bake them at 170˚C for about 20 minutes in a square 9″ tin, not with a loose bottom, brownies don’t need greaseproof lining either… I normally lightly grease and sprinkle a pinch of flour across the base….you don’t need to, but I want to, everyone has their own way that they’re comfortable with, when it comes to baking.
I am not saying these are the best….. but they’re pretty close 😉 Trust me, you have GOT to try these!!

Sarah’s Fudgey Brownies
- Preheat oven to 170˚C
- In a medium saucepan, melt the butter and then add sugar, mix well until it’s all mixed well and then add vanilla and coffee, remove from heat and set aside. The coffee will stay in lumps but that’s ok, it’ll melt in the oven.
- Allowing the butter and sugar to cool a little, grease a square 9″ tin , crack eggs into a mug and measure the rest of your ingredients, sifting flour and baking powder together in another bowl.
- With a whisk, beat in the eggs, beating quickly so the eggs don’t cook, then cocoa powder, beat again well until finally adding flour and chocolate disc’s pour the mixture into the tin and using a spoon or small offset spatula, make sure you fill in the corners and spread out the batter evenly. Strew the white chocolate chips on the top.
- Bake for about 20 minutes.
- When baked, turn out onto a wire rack or chopping board, allow to cool and cut into squares.