The Accidental Cocktail..
So I’m drinking one of the Bulmers ( Magners) pear ciders Hubster bought me, celebrating St.Patrick’s day with a libation, I’m not really into boozey cider ( even though my Grandfather was from Somerset, England, it should be in my blood) I wasn’t really enjoying it because it was sort of tasteless, so I had a peek in my drinks cabinet to see what Spirits I had in there and there was a bottle of Cointreau, smiling up at me, beside a jar of cocktail cherries in almond syrup, sort of like Amaretto… So I filled a large glass with ice, poured in some Perry, added a shot of Triple Sec ( Cointreau) and some cherries and some of the syrup and gave it a stir… You could also add half a shot of Amaretto (Disaronno) It tastes like a balmy summer evening, just before twilight… Gorgeous, no pungent boozy taste, but it kicks like a mule… I was very tipsy after one.
This would be perfect to serve in Mason/Kilner jars with paper straws in the garden during the summer…