Butterflies In My Tummy or Something Else?
You may have seen my social media announcement a few weeks ago, that I am indeed pregnant again!!! I’ve been trying to keep that secret for weeks now. I’ve known since week 3! It felt like forever. At the start, I became obsessed, we bought ovulation sticks and pregnancy testing cassettes from Amazon and nothing was happening… so I ditched those in November, and by the end of January, we were expecting!! It all took 6 months and I couldn’t be any happier.

At the start, I didn’t touch my ‘What to Expect’ book, I didn’t get too excited, to mentally protect myself in the case of another miscarriage, which I feel I wouldn’t survive. I had quite a lot of spotting in the first two months, so much so that I went to the maternity hospital emergency department, everything looked ok! Then I had an 8 week scan that was booked by the bereavement midwife, which is normally the case after a miscarriage. Everything was ok then too, heartbeat was good and strong. Then I had my my 12 week scan and the sigh of relief was immense, it was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulder. Soon after that, experienced a two week heavy bleed, again we flew into the emergecy room od Holles Street and was assured that baby was perfectly fine and that a percentage of pregnancies will eperence bleeding but there was no known reason, perhaps a torn capillary. I was still in belief that I would lose it and felt a little disconnected- It’s all good though!
Then, I had my 21 week Scan at the end of May and discovered we were having a boy, a long legged lively boy and not just that, a boy with an attitude. Both the Sonographer and myself were in fits of laughter as he pushed back at the sonograph and even turned around to avoid it, he’s got my maternal mischevious streak I think. We have named him Christopher and every day, his kicks become stronger, he does more somersaults but it’s reassuring, being able to feel him in there, alive and well.
So, after the Covid19 outbreak, I’ve been made redundant, but do you know what? It suits me more, I am able to fully relax in this pregnancy and get my house in order and become a full time blogger. Before, it was really hard juggling a full time job, getting home at around 8pm and by the time I got organised, blogging was not on my mind. I want to do some baby and pregnancy posts but I am not going to convert this blog into a baby blog, I have unfollowed people for doing that and I won’t do it to you guys. The content will be there but not in your face, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

One Comment
Such a hart warming story all the best wishes for you and the baby xx