Chocolate Wedding Favours that are hassle free!
I’ve done lots of freelance event planning over the years, made cupcakes for events and in work, asked by brides about buying bags of chocolate and making their own favours in the form…
Harvest Season
So Summer is starting to get away from us, nights are once again getting shorter, it’s not so hot anymore and those of you who have kids are silently rejoicing in the secret…
Spider Season: Eight Legged Freaks!!!
It’s that time of year again where I’m terrorised by the ginormous garden spiders that come in from July to October every year to make nests and lay their eggs…. yeah, one comes…
Leftover Frosting From Cupcakes….What To Do?!
Cupcakes are amongst my favourite things to make, but when on a trip to the States, Florida to be exact, I discovered something amazing! Flavour sachets to add to buttercream that add colour…
Not So ‘Stuffed’ Stuffing
I love Sunday’s, apart from the idea of work the next morning which highly depends where you work, some people live for Monday mornings and returning to work. Sunday to me is a…
Recipe: ‘Breaking Bad’ Lasagne….Estilo Mexicano (Mexican Style)
My husband is a dab hand at creating weird and wonderful dishes, we share cooking duties but I like to do a lot of the cooking, simply because I come alive when I’m…
Marathon Woman!
I’m sorry it’s been a couple of weeks, I’ve been up to all sorts, like the Flora Women’s Mini Marathon, which trust me, was an experience. I never thought I would see myself…
Homemade Hummus!
I’m trying to lose some weight still and the Women’s Mini Marathon is on in two weeks so I’m making some protein packed foods where possible… hummus is packed with protein and it’s…
To New Beginnings!
I’m stuck into this next kids party styling entry but right now we’re in the middle of moving back to the East coast, my husband and I, to the absolutely gorgeous village of…
Easter Bake Off!
Well, I may have mentioned in one of my last blogs that I was baking an Easter Cake for the competition my in-law’s now hold every year!! Well it was announced at Christmas…
Recipe: Trifle Towers! Delicious alternative to a classic..
Classic Trifle Recipe So we all love a dessert after the Sunday Roast, right? It has to be old school to take you back to your childhood of Jelly & Ice Cream or…
To Market ….To Market…..
One of the things that’s kept me so busy lately is the arrival of Market season, the weather is getting finer, my gazebo cannot withstand the violent west of Ireland gales and torrent’s…
Competitive Baking
Firstly, I want to apologise for the absence of posts over the last month, it’s been a hectic one-and still is! It’s been an exciting month, full of creative things I’ve experienced all…
Getting three (plus)days out of a chicken!
(part of feed your family for under €50) I love a good roast Chicken! The smell gets me more than anything but I’ve always been squeamish about the whole pulling it apart and…